The Transiting Moon and the Contest for President

Michael Zizis
2 min readNov 5, 2024


A short essay

By Mike Zizis

November 4 ,2024

In astrology — the moon gives things permission to happen. Moon; gate keeper.

Tomorrow, November 5, 2024, the transiting moon in Capricorn will spend the entire day moving thru Kamala Harris’s seventh house. The moon moves 9 1/2 degrees every 24 hours. When astrologers plot the journey of the moon from the opening to the closing polls, the Moon will still occupy the opening and closing portions of her seventh House.

The first contact the Moon will make will be at 25° Sagittarius conjuncting her south node, just inside the cusp of the 7th house. The SN indicates some form of diminishment. This reveals initial yet transitory gains for Trump. As the day draws closer and closer to an end, with the last exit polls closing in Hawaii, she will move steadily farther and farther ahead of the ex-president. This won’t change as the final ballots are counted in the next 3–5 days.

Why do I see her presidential victory?

The Moon in astrology symbolizes fortune, women, and the public. The seventh house depicts the partner. So, putting this all together, the transiting moon tells us that the public becomes Madam President’s partner.

You can also look up my previous work here in Medium as to why Kamala Harris will be the next president of the United States, below this chart.



Michael Zizis
Michael Zizis

Written by Michael Zizis Over 40 years as a professional astrologer, I am ready willing and able to craft trends in your journey.

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