Michael Zizis
4 min readFeb 8, 2024


New Moon in Aquarius

By Mike Zizis

“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.”
― Abraham Lincoln

“We stopped looking for monsters under our bed when we realized that they were inside us.”
― Charles Darwin

One of the most overused words in the English language is the word new. And, when astrology is used properly and effectively one of the most effective understandings of the timing of events when to begin something new is during a new moon cycle.

This new Moon in Aquarius February 9, 2024 / 5:59 pm EST {Toronto} — is at 20°. Last three days before any moon is termed a balsamic moon. During a balsamic moon things fall apart. Some of us are sensitive enough to know and indeed feel that the body feels heavy and everything else feels weighty as if a force of gravity increased in a flash.

When the moon moves up to (conjunct) and passes the sun she is gradually growing in her light for 14 days. This is called a waxing moon. Projects begun in this cycle have a better chance of succeeding. I say chance because nothing is ever guaranteed. Think of building or rebuilding your body, launching a new project, inventing nuclear fusion, actually working out at the gym, moving to a new locale, etc. During the next/last 14 days of this 28 day cycle, we go public and the world judges our effort. To state this another way, we build the new idea, new program in our workshop quietly for 14 days, and then let the world see it in the next 14 days. Am I saying this is the only way to do anything? Here’s what I am stating; I want the best chance for what I do to prosper — that’s just me. And no, it’s not always possible.

There are 12 new moons per year. This one is in the airey and fixed sign of Aquarius. You may have noticed that the weather is a bit calm — unlike the blustery previous winds of the cardinal sign of Capricorn. During Aquarius the very air itself seems to calm down — or is unexpectedly powerful enough to knock over buildings.

This is one of the best times and signs to feed the passions of the mind, look for ways to free yourself up from bad bosses, to better health, exit bad relationships, innovate new and better ways to accomplish your tasks, and take a cue from original thinkers. For instance — three simple words could be eliminated from your vocabulary: ‘but’, ‘always’, and ‘never’.

As the Chinese say it doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white — does it catch mice?

Aquarius is often depicted as Ganymede — bringing water to a parched planet or desert. This is an image of the cupbearer of the gods Ganymede. This young man was thought to be so beautiful by Zeus that he was made immortal but not a god. The profile of many people born under the sign of Aquarius is often said to be quite lovely and balanced.

Innovation, a democracy of ideas, freedom from tyranny, and impersonal kindness, are hallmarks of this sign. Aquarians are said to be just like everyone else, only more so. We all have the sign of Aquarius somewhere in our horoscopes. The sun is said to be in his exile in Aquarius (opposite Leo), so other parts of the mind that are not necessarily ego driven can be cultivated. Said another way, when judgment is put aside, what often remains is curiosity. This new Moon in Aquarius bestows upon us the opportunity to put the angels and demons aside and view things and people as they are.

Sometimes I think of Aquarius as the photographic imagination; things as they are. For instance we say we are American, Canadian, Italian, Scandinavian, Nigerian, and any other nationality you can think of. Now go to your body and ask it if it knows what nationality it is. Is this an Israeli or Palestinian elbow? Actual heart? Rib? Larynx? To your body, these are meaningless inventions of politics; like the concept of race. Aquarius is, “we the people.” It is not “them and us,” no woman or man, but the beating heart, and the immortal soul of the human experiment, and Aquarian kindness to our fellow voyagers on Spaceship Earth. It is very nourishing to know that Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were Aquarians both born February 12, 1809.

Let me put this air sign new Moon another way; more talk means less violence. This is a very good time indeed to encourage your mind to voyage. And this coming time with Pluto in Aquarius is a very bad time indeed to keep others enslaved.

“Those of us

Meant to be lovers

Will never forgive you

For wasting

Our time and our bodies.” — Leonard Cohen



Michael Zizis
Michael Zizis

Written by Michael Zizis Over 40 years as a professional astrologer, I am ready willing and able to craft trends in your journey.

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