New Moon in Virgo — A Tale of Tools
An essay by Mike Zizis
September 3, 2024
“I am blinded by the beauty of our weapons.”
Leonard Cohen — Virgo
NEW MOON 2024 — 11 degrees Virgo
Language. Writing. Labour. Unions. Analysis. Hygiene. Utility. Digestion of food and experience. Precision. Surgery/Medicine — Allopathy. Purification. Harvest. These are all a limited selection of key words presented in the Mercury-ruled mutable sign of Virgo. Put aside any reference to virginity. The Latin word ‘Virgo’ denoted a young woman.
Now we return to the dance floor of delineating the steps of the enriching opportunities of every new moon: 12 to 13 every year. Our world — atoms, planets, our galaxy and its billions of siblings are forever in motion that repeats within variation as in a dance.
Einstein thought the universe is a friendly place. New moons are a great symbol of why this is absolutely true — true also that human nature repeats. Hunger and rest repeat as does the ceremonies of attraction in love and reproduction. Mind is linear — while body is circular or moves in spirals. I live in my body and use my mind as calculator, in the best of all possible worlds. Mistaking mind for master leads to war on the body and on others. Body a.k.a. little puppy — is forever in the here and now. Mind clings to the madness of Attachment to yesterday and tomorrow.
We exist in planetary cycles, in this case a new moon every 28 days reminds us that we can choose renewal, and break the gorilla-glue burdening grip of the past.
I had an 18 month younger brother; had. He died of addiction. Family was a ravage and a wreckage for we two. He didn’t get the attention from the world in school that I did. He then DECIDED and then REDECIDED unconsciously to waste his life energy envying me in at least five out of the six short decades he was given on this planet. This happens when we flee from a broken heart.
There is a tale from Nigeria of god visiting a poor struggling farmer without a cow, who was jealous of his neighbor who had a cow. He asked the farmer what he would need above all; the farmer replied “Kill my neighbor’s cow.” This is one example among millions of mind claiming to be master; the tyranny of mind.
This brilliant new moon especially with its light beaming in analysis can liberate us from being chained to mind while despising and fearing the many mansions of the heart. Analysis is not the enemy. Our species builds bridges and bombs. We as a species run in terror from the ferocious and very often wounded realms of the heart. Tools are also a component of Virgo. This new moon is that neonatal whispering opportunity to create the instruments of peace and prosperity; a.k.a. the new self care, similar to the old self care. Newborns as in every new moon need constant care, up until the revelations of the full moon- first 14 days. Then the world gives us powerful positive or negative feedback in the succeeding closing 14 days until the next new moon cycle.
It is no mistake that Steven Pinker (born September 18, 1954) and Stephen Fry (born 24 August 1957) are both Virgos. Pinker publishes many brilliant texts on how we are improving thru the ages as a species. Fry reveals with astonishing wit and books on mythology that our human absurdity is also our gift of laughter, with ourselves.
Here is a tool that you might enjoy; reading. When the Angel Gabriel visited Mohammed his first and repeating command to the prophet was to read.