New Moon in Pisces:
The bearable brightness of being
by Mike Zizis
Attention astrologers; please relocate this new Moon for your local coordinates.
Just now I am going to tell you what I’m going to tell you, then I’ll tell you, then I’ll tell you what I just told you. Please notice that I did not use the phrase at this point in time {just now} until I used it just now at this point in time.
Many many of you have asked me why I don’t include the push and pull of all the planetary aspects to every new Moon when I write these essays: conjunctions, semi squares, quadrilateral jellyfish, squares, trines, oppositions, perpendicular reductive receding zygomatic arches, the fifth dimension, that specific asteroid that screams men are bad, and the 10,000 year return of the Plutoid Farfarout.
Poet Erica Jong remarked that “Nothing is simple anymore except poetry.” So I consider my contribution to the community is — to give others who would like it — a clear and simplified path for instructions under moon light.
Whether we study the evolution of living organisms, or software, things always seem to proceed towards being more complicated. The first cells on the planet were comparatively simple and yet miraculously alive. This is the same as your first encounter with so much software that was beautiful and quite simple, comparatively.
To quote another of my favorite poets Dylan Thomas; “Every poem fails to a greater or lesser degree.” I hope I’m not here, nor do I present to show off how much I know about the intricate angularity’s of the lights at night. And so it goes …
Every new Moon indicates a neonatal whisper. New moons do not shout out at us to change anything. They exist above the first three lowest levels of survival. Just now as Pluto and Neptune finish up they’re often destructive dance through Capricorn and Pisces, we have been shown over and over again that the first three levels of existence are: the threats of personal survival, turning delusions of scarcity into war, I am just finally right — because now you are dead.
And now back to our regular programming …
There are most often 12 new moons every year, occasionally there are 13. Every new Moon for at least 14 days, gives us an opportunity to begin again - signified by the qualities of the zodiac sign in which the new moon occurs. We build quietly in our workshop for the first 14 days, and then as the moon wanes in the Second 14 days, the world gives us feedback.
The watery, mutable, and oceanic new Moon in Pisces encourages us to drift and dream, lead with our hearts, breathe with the animals and plants as well as each other. We can if we choose to listen to the indestructible rhythms of living, including our own breath, the rhythms in any music, and the ebb and flow of the tides. We are all given an opportunity just now, to simply listen to our thoughts instead of the smack me smack you delusions of what they’re saying. Just now I do nothing and everything gets done.
It is after all the Piscean concept of poetry that allows living to go on; “I pray that the color will not be taken from my eyes.” — Yevgeny Yevtushenko.
This new Moon promotes healing through laughter, dance, and compassion. It is not like the next new Moon in Aries. That new Moon is the ultimate new Moon of action. This one whispers that the tyranny of the mind, is the smallest part of our journey.