New Moon in Pisces
We do talk about Bruno, and Trudeau {with apologies to Walt Disney’s Encanto}
An essay by Mike Zizis
Attention astrologers; please locate coordinates for this new Moon according to your place and time.
This is the mystery moon. This is the moon behind and beyond clouds. This is the ultimate romantic moon. This is the drifting dream — go with the flow — moon. This is the time when the gift of inspiration will just come to you, might just come to you, this may be that new moon. The Western mind can be afflicted with doing, “What are you doing?” “When will you do it?” “It’s time to get it done.” This new Moon in Pisces is not exactly like that although the next new Moon in Aries absolutely will be. This moon is about drifting and dreaming, imagining, setting the spirit free, meditating until clarity, or meditating until falling asleep and then clarity. The icon of Pisces is two fish pulling in opposite directions. This is easily and certainly sometimes misunderstood. While it can be the self against the grain of the self, perhaps a better way to view this picture is about clear water and two fish playing in the stream.
In 1969 I had a short stint as a laboratory assistant in the thyroid division of the University of Pittsburgh. I did enjoy the job but not the way some of the other workers seemed to love hurting and even killing the white lab mice. So after a few months I left. In March of the same year I immigrated to Canada. I was 19 years old and didn’t know a soul in this country nor did I have any friend here. However I did need the real or imagined guarantee of a job in order to become a landed immigrant. I walked over to the University of Toronto botany section off of Avenue Road. I went to the basement of the botany building. I saw a man in a red beard walking through the corridor there. I stopped him and said you don’t know me but I am an American war resister, and in order to stay here I need the offer of a job regardless of whether it’s real or not.
His mouth dropped open. He said, ‘How did you know?’ I said I didn’t know — I just took a chance. He wrote me, then and there, a letter offering a fake job in the botany department, in order to obtain my landed immigrant status towards citizenship. This event was close to the new Moon in Pisces.
We speak of music often using the word flow, as dancers can flow. We speak of “going with the flow.” These are our phrases and words to describe the new moon in Pisces. As hard as it may be to believe — we do nothing and everything gets done.
Consider the home called Fallingwater built by Frank Lloyd Wright. (From Wikipedia)
Fallingwater is a house museum in Stewart Township in the Laurel Highlands of southwestern Pennsylvania, United States. Designed by the architect Frank Lloyd Wright, it is built partly over a waterfall on the Bear Run stream.
Edgar Sr. called Wright on September 22, 1935, to inform the architect that he would visit Taliesin. Wright’s apprentices disagree on what exactly happened next, but the sketches were complete when Edgar Sr. arrived two hours later. Contrary to common claims that Wright had ignored the design for nine months before hurriedly sketching it, he had already devised the plans mentally and had written about them to Edgar Sr. multiple times. This story is essentially a Piscean style tale.
Many of us have had a dance partner, or even that love partner, who seems to know exactly what to do, is at the right place at the right time, and blossoms and wilts with you exactly to the rhythms of the music, and bodies. That is a lovely way to depict Pisces, essentially in the flow of the moment. Pisces is a mutable water sign, as well as the last sign of the zodiac. Pisceans are said to be all 12 signs. If you’re having trouble pinning down those Pisceans, so to speak, try doing this with water or the ocean.
Arthur Rimbaud — “Love is a surgeon. His scalpel diminishes us. In that diminishment, we are healed.”
Pisces is one of the two signs of the mystery of healing, the other being Virgo. Pisces is that healing we received through prayer, yoga, meditation, incense, laughter and holistic means. The complementary sign of Virgo heals through precision — for example exactly the right amount of a drug — not enough and you won’t be healed, too much and you might be damaged. Think also the precision scalpel used to excise the correct amount of tissue. These two signs represent a polarity of the mystery of healing.
Stretch out your arms in a horizontal axis. It’s fairly easy to see that we are connected or can be connected to others in this way. Now imagine a double headed arrow pointing both to your feet and to your head. The arrow points to the earth’s molten core under your feet and simultaneously points to the sky and universe thru the seventh chakra, at the top of your head — beyond the visible and the measurable; again Pisces.
As Voltare said; “It is no more miraculous to be born twice than is to be born once.” He was referring to the concept of reincarnation, a mystery.
If you ask a Piscean child, honey do you know where I put my keys? She just might reply in the top drawer in the dressing room without knowing anything about you actually putting them anywhere. When you ask her how she could possibly know that — she might reply ‘I don’t know mommy’.
Speaking of the powers of the oceanic unconscious here is the story of the improbable shape of the benzene molecule: August Kekulé {German scientist born 7 September [Virgo!] 1829–13 July 1896} again from Wikipedia;
- “spoke of the creation of the theory. He said that he had discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after having a reverie or day-dream of a snake biting its own tail (a symbol in ancient cultures known as the ouroboros). This vision, he said, came to him after years of studying the nature of carbon-carbon bonds. This was seven years after he had solved the problem of how carbon atoms could bond to up to four other atoms at the same time.”
He told the tale of having an uncustomary cup of coffee before going to sleep one night. In a dream he saw seven snakes chasing each other's tails, in the exact shape of the benzene molecule.
Especially in the next 14 days of this 28 day cycle, your renewal and rebirth, the wellspring of health, and connection could easily come from sitting and breathing, phoning a long lost friend, window shopping, distraction, and petting your cat or dog. When I say 14 of the next 28 days, 14 from now is the full moon in Virgo opposite the sun in Pisces. This is called the waxing moon phase. And the following 14 days towards the next new Moon in Aries is a waning moon. This waning moon can be a time of receiving messages from the outer world beyond your skin, and helpful reverses or relieving setbacks that may keep you from getting or doing worse. If you meditate on getting that green alligator handbag that you saw in the window X number of years ago, that may not be the best use of meditation. Meditation followed by discernment and then action is the key. Sit by the ocean or a river, your results may vary. Objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear.