New moon in Gemini — June 6, 8:38 AM EDT. Toronto.
The talkie talk new moon
by Mike Zizis
Attention astrologers please rectify these coordinates as per your location.
I have a lot to say and I’m going to go on saying it. I have nothing to say and I’m going to go on saying it. Welcome to the new moon in Gemini. This is the bearable lightness of being; the home of the lovers discourse, in the beginning was the word, and the Word was ambiguous.
The constellation of Gemini in the heavens; symbolized by the twins Castor and Pollox — is composed of at least 10 pairs of double stars. On our planet more twins are born under this sign than any other time of year.
Gemini is the mutable air sign. It flows with the go. This is the sun of forever Young and Peter Pan. Gemini yearns to be connected; never to be left out but included. Gemini is the quick firing billion snap snap synapses of the mind. He is logical, that does not mean that he’s rational. Rationality requires a marriage of thought and emotion. The quick change artist symbolized by Hermes, rides off in all directions. He is excited by the realm of ideas, gossip, the Internet, and how utterly fascinating it is that you believe this — I believe that.
Here we’re talking about electrical currents flowing through wires especially AC currents going all directions at once. He is the first burst of intelligence, the fascination with continuous discovery, revelation, and sometimes insight.
During this next 14 to 28 days, spend some time contemplating the power and the pleasure and the sometimes distracting nature of language. It is good to meditate on how a western politician in a democracy comes to power without guns; an American president becoming the most powerful man in the world without violence and weapons other than language and words. And yes, Donald Trump, Gemini, yearns to be the exception to everything and everyone.
As Bob Dylan, the Gemini said, (Gemini is) forever Young. So in this blossoming Lunar cycle, it is good to meditate on the language that you would like to receive and then becoming that language. It is also good to meditate on your sexiest organ; your hearing and your ears. Here in the northern hemisphere, the mutable sign of Gemini occurs at the end of Spring. So here we are completing an effect we have on others and they on us, through the mind and words.
You can set your intentions now on healing language. Or you can sensationalize aspects of the mammal body, you know female body parts, male body parts, and the sounds that bodies make, to Yuk it up like every 4,5,6,7,8 year-old while the world around you becomes worse and more violent.
You do also have the choice to love this planet, and nurture Gemini’s need to be needed. Whatever you send out to the world in the next 14 days it will come back to return to you in the following 14 days. That is the nature of every new moon cycle. We are all correct to tire of that person saying I am white and everybody else is black … victim me …so to speak. And so it goes.