New moon in Capricorn December 30 2024 — Toronto 5:27 PM EST

Michael Zizis
5 min readDec 31, 2024


Blow yr horn — Capricorn!

an essay by Mike Zizis

Capricorn’s key phrase is ‘I use’. The rest of this essay explains these two words joined together — and their meaning under the new moon .

Innovation and renovation, renewal, new approaches to old problems and challenges — Capricorn approaches perplexing situations and taking on the new challenge sometimes in the most challenging and difficult way.

These are all hallmarks of Capricorn’s style of making it new. Among all the signs of the zodiac, Capricorn is the one that initially starts out feeling outside of the party and sometimes alone with all the concerns of living. You are likely to feel that you may be all alone with this or that challenge right now — and a portion of that is true. In an age in which screens replace our human connection and our tribal and genetic need to include and reach out — this new Moon can you remind you, more than any other, of facing the challenge of doing what you must do for yourself and by yourself. Or you can quietly let go of your ego enough to allow other people to do what you cannot do and do not know how to do for and by yourself. For instance do you pull your own teeth or do you go to the dentist?

Capricorn is half osteichthyes (bony) fish and half mammal goat. So what is sometimes confusing is about who and what to put first in this new Moon. As the hookah smoking caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland said; “If you don’t know where you’re going it doesn’t matter where you start — just start.”

Capricorn involves the knees and the first third of the legs underneath the knees. This symbol emphasizes our freedoms of movement, bone care, and flexibility within limitations. Unlike our wrists, the knees are limited in their freedoms of movement in any direction. They mostly propel us forward. A friend of mine started out many years ago as a highly successful chiropractor beneath a yoga studio. He said his best clients were yoga teachers who rapidly wore out their knees, demonstrating to people movement that knees were never meant for.

So what is the lesson here and how to begin again in this particular new Moon? The lesson is we have freedom within limitations to start new cycles — emotionally, physically, environmentally, and spiritually. The spirituality part may be the most challenging. The reason being that spirituality commands us to be with others and not above them. Twisting one’s body especially the legs into unnatural positions releases feel good hormones in the body. Then the assumption is we are closer to God, because we feel better in our bodies which tell our minds how to feel. This is as dangerous as it is smug. Yoga is within limitations great for the body. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’.

Capricorn is opposite to the sign Cancer. Cancer is often involved with an empathic care for others, home and hearth, and our protective need to retreat into our shell when wounded or feeling wounded. Capricorn often symbolizes Saturnian structure, venturing beyond comfort — and sacrificing to accomplish, sometimes with and sometimes at the expense of another, or family as well as for family. Muhammad Ali was a Capricorn born January 17, 1942 in Louisville Kentucky.

In this new Moon it is good to visualize what is fair and what we need to accomplish and what is the best essential pared-down energy for the new year coming. Capricorn points to bone structure rather than flesh. So this is a great time to address bone strengths, as well as diminishing adipose tissue, excess fat. Letting go of and passing on whatever is no longer needed around you for the benefit of others.

This new Moon in Capricorn emphasizes how do I stand up for, and with my self. Cancer yearns to return to home and safety, Capricorn desires to set out in the dangerous unknown world to establish oneself. Brian Wilson (born June 20, 1942, Inglewood, California) song writer for the musical group The Beach Boys, and considered a genius among music critics — was born with Jupiter in Cancer. He hated touring with the group, and above all wanted to be left alone in his home studio composing music.

In this new Moon in Capricorn for the next 28 days, meditate and visualize self sufficiency, and also the need to reach out for others to do and be what you don’t do well. This is anything and I mean anything from personal warmth to fixing that flooded basement. This new moon is excellent for the dangerous task of getting out of bed from the comforts of the warm and the cozy. Capricorn is the builder. Capricorn’s key phrase is ‘I use’. Before you judge the phrase I use, imagine for a moment baking a cake by first making your own water. There is no need to make water for those of us who have the luxury of clean water. Our civilization was built on those who came before us, we needed them to get to this place we call ‘here’.

There are 12 new moons every year. Each one gives us an opportunity to begin again in that ways and means initiated by a particular sign and it’s meaning and trajectory in the world. We are always free to refuse renewal. We are also free to accept the challenge, some of us refuse to be brain dead after the age of 18. This is especially true with the new moon in Capricorn to take to the harder and higher ground in risking the chance of a fall seven times, and pick ourselves up from the ground eight times.



Michael Zizis
Michael Zizis

Written by Michael Zizis Over 40 years as a professional astrologer, I am ready willing and able to craft trends in your journey.

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