New Moon in Cancer
July 5, 2024 6:57 pm EDT
New Moon in Cancer
An essay by Mike Zizis
Attention astrologers please locate this new Moon as per your local coordinates.
There are 12 to 13 new moons ever year.
Each and every one gives us a newborn opportunity to start over and begin again. The ancient Greeks saw the sign of Cancer, symbolically, as a birthplace of the spirit into this world. Capricorn was seen as the time and place when spirit leaves this world for the next, although this is all figurative not literal.
The sign of Cancer is feminine and cardinal and she is ruled by the moon. During the next 14 to 28 days, you might meditate on what to nurture. For instance, for instincts, nurturing rage, resentment, a thin-skin, and a refusal to let go, or exit the past. In the following 14 days — just after the full moon — these things can come to you in the form of other people seeming to be irrational and illogical and just plain emotionally driven. In other words, you are creating things as the moon goes from new to full and those same issues come back to visit you in the form of others during the following 14 days after the full moon. Well I’m such a nice little person — why is everyone else so crazy and mean?
Yep — what comes around goes around. Mumbling or screaming “I don’t care” doesn’t change a thing; however it can make you seem an imbecile.
To our understanding, the Neanderthals were rugged individualists and mainly loners, like the X-Men’s Wolverine. Homo sapiens (coming along at the environmental decline of our cousins, the Neanderthals) were social, and tribal.
And why do I mention this? Cancerian traits are quite social. Think about our kind gathering around the fire to tell stories, to the immediate family, to the village, and to the electron Village; the electronosphere; from Taylor Swift to Eminem.
This new Moon more than any other can create the opportunity to meditate on what nurtures us -from food, to family, to loving companionship, with one and many.
Cancer traits include being nurturing, sensitive, compassionate, self-protective, security-seeking, loving, and displaying a goofy, ingratiating sense of humor. These characteristics reflect themes covered by the Fourth House of Home Life, which Cancer rules. The Fourth House covers our domestic lives, nests, how we were parented and might parent (literally or figuratively), and emotions and memories from childhood that might color your current reality.
The Natural-Born Caregiver
Since the emotional, maternal moon influences Cancer’s personality so intensely, the water sign tends to prioritize — and occasionally twist themselves into knots — to make most people in their life feel even slightly more comfortable and secure. They’ll pour their heart into caring for plants and pets just as much as they do loved ones. Cooking or baking meals and treats with a ton of love is their specialty, but if a moment calls for a sentimental card, bouquet of flowers, or FaceTime catch-up session, they’ll be all in on that as well. While they’re loyal to the core and will always show up for their friends, family comes first for these heartfelt homebodies.
Cancerian Nelson Mandela is said to be the father of his country. Nikolai Tesla, also Cancer, collected 10 million bits of information, that led to his personal invention of the 20th Century. If you’re paying attention you will know that is exactly how he built the first extraordinarily successful electric motor, first try. Moon Child Robin Williams used his voice to become everyone and anyone. “I do voices.” Cancer is the sign of mimesis. I meme mine.
The moon in astrology is said to rule fortune. When we understand this, things like the stockmarket go from opaque to transparent. When I say the market is lunar — I mean it is driven by two emotions; greed and panic. What is the current buzz? AI. What is the company that best creates the physical substrate for AI? Nvidia.
So in a world of more and more disembodied astrology, you now know the real meaning of the moon. It’s time to set your sights and your meditation on prospering in this world, which is always a choice we can make. There are other choices. In the next 14 days you can choose to prosper and to nurture. We are always planting seeds, and the best time to plant them is during a new moon cycle.