Sagittarius new Moon
Let’s begin …
an essay by Mike Zizis
Sagittarius new Moon … with a lightbulb joke;
How many Sagittarians does it take to change a lightbulb?
“The sun is shining the sky is blue and the birds are singing — and here you are inside worried about a goddam light bulb!”
Listen and not very carefully; when was the last time you gave yourself permission to be the big lazy kid? Welcome to the new moon in Sagittarius.
When I give myself permission to stop making sense, the most immediate Canadian Anglo response I get is ‘that doesn’t make sense’. This is why Australians are depicted as Canadians with a sense of humor. It’s great right now to stop making sense in this new Moon as one option, that is if you’re good at it. The only way to get good at it is to be bad at it at first.
All dictators around the world will use the heavy-handed militaristic tool of making sense — ‘order’ for their followers. Yeah so the world could use the antidote of comedy, and fun as a remedy to the spin that wheel and see what enemy comes up game of making sense. No thank you.
Let’s begin again.
Every new Moon begins with a new promise. I promise to begin again. Because human beings we are blessed with or are cursed with free will — we are free to live in ignorance about ourselves and the cosmos. We are free to be ignorant about our opportunities to release ourselves from previous difficulties. We are free to neglect or refuse renewal in body, mind, and spirit, working and playing and feeling like a kid again, doing what we did again.
So every 28 days the moon completes one orbit around the earth, this is called a lunar month. Every 28 days the moon will go through all of the 12 houses in your horoscope and inform every aspect, conjunction, sextile, Square, opposition etc., with every planet in your birth chart by transit. Moon indicates emotions, Fortune, Women, the public, memory, and instincts. Tuesday we feel smart, Wednesday we feel dull, Thursday we cease to care, then Friday we are lonely, etc. etc. etc.
Astrologer’s depict the faster moving moon catching up to and surpassing her lover -the sun - starting with the conjunction (new moon) when she is united with her beloved. And 14 days later she sends out a big bright searchlight for her lover at the full moon. We can think of this as Sun Moon together with the blinds and shades pulled down, and the full moon is, as I said, a lighted search. In the first 14 days when the moon is waxing, or expanding light, reflected light, she’s full of enthusiasm and new bright shiny untested ideas and feelings. After climax of the full moon, in the waning moon {last 14 days} she is — so to speak — out in the world getting feedback from others on what works and what doesn’t.
This brings us to the mutable fiery new Moon in Sagittarius. As I’ve mentioned before the previous Scorpio moon, can act at its worst as the bringer of death, and those that just want to see the world burn. The flickering candlelight Sagittarius informs us that the spirit is indestructible and forever journeying.
Thematically this new Moon represents the portion of the body that the hips grant us — as freedom and movement. The sign of Sagittarius does a lot of work between depicting the king of the gods, Jupiter / Zeus add Chiron the centaur, also known as the wounded healer. There is work to be done. That work is the Harley Davidson joy of the song of the open Road. This new Moon the 14 to 28 days after — gives you a chance to break free of some of your chains.
“Hooray!” said the Chief of the Army. “Let’s blow everyone up! Bang-bang! Bang-bang!”
- Roald Dahl
This is the new Moon of big careless motion in big ways. This is the new Moon of Sagittarius’ key phrase: I understand. There are of course freedoms of the body, there are freedoms of the mind, and freedoms of the spirit to roam. So many of us in care-giving situations secretly care for the release of not having to care. This new Moon encapsulates that old rusty tool of which I am not fond — that goes something like — be careful what you wish for.
Balance this against the Bob Dylan song “I shall be released,” and there you have the interesting contradictions that is Sagittarius. In a sense, if we are not exploring and cultivating new experiences and new innovations, then we are stagnating and dying. It just ain’t no fun to imagine that all we are meant to be is just one more worried taxpayer. If we are listening, we can know that in our wild hearts, in our very short lives, there is no room for pettiness. None. That is, unless we do make room for making more and more out of less and less.