He Is Going To Meet His Teacher.

Michael Zizis
5 min readFeb 20, 2024


Notes on the death of Alexei Navalny.

By Mike Zizis — February 19, 2024

Themes covered in this essay: death, transcendence, politics, legacy, heart and soul …

Before we proceed please answer these questions to the best of your ability;

1} Are you a Russian dissident?

2} Were you poisoned and left for dead by the FSA or KGB?

3} Did you recover from a supposedly fatal poisoning in Germany only to return to Russia to be put into a Siberian prison?

4} Were you left in brutal conditions there to die?

If the answer is no to any or all of these questions, then this is not about you and no one is sending you secret messages about your untimely demise. Let’s proceed. This is the birth chart Alexei Navalny according to ASTROTHEME:

He was born in a Moscow suburb — Butyn.

For the purposes of this essay I am focusing on his demise. Many of us are aware of the pervasive and the immense light he brought to the dictator’s imprisoned nation.

This is not a focus for morbidity’s sake. Navalny knew his people. He knew that only if he paid in his own blood would he inspire the nation. Navalny knew Russians believe that the only thing worthy of their attention and praise is — singularly following the path of severity.

Traditionally Jupiter is said to be the ruler of Sagittarius, and Pisces. According to the above chart Sagittarius occupies the fourth house, the essential self. This increases our understanding of Navalny’s unsinkable joviality with the media, visitors, and prison guards while incarcerated.

While we are on the subject, please notice that natal Neptune {14° Sagittarius} planet of mystery, hard to diagnose problems, as well as matters beyond our understanding, is in his fourth House. Another name for the fourth house is the end of the matter. Neptune is also trine Mars in Leo {10°}. This combination of Mars trine Neptune can also be seen as emblematic of the martyr and the humanitarian. The word martyr derives from Mars, red in blood and violence. I have associated Mars / Neptune issues also with poisoning, like mustard gas etc. Mohammad Ali and Edwin Hubble were born with Mars trine Neptune; a.k.a. the visionary.

From https://astro-charts.com:

An aspect of Mars Trine Neptune in the natal chart indicates a person who uses creative visualization to imagine their life, easily taps into their creative potential and can overexert themselves at times, having trouble with setting boundaries.

Navalny was born with Jupiter in 16° Taurus.He left this planet at the beginning of his transiting Jupiter {conjunct his natal Jupiter} return at 9°.

Transiting Jupiter in the sky as of February 16, 2024 was at 9° Taurus. Thematically, Jupiter is said to be about the higher mind, law and the long arc of justice, teaching, the overview, the higher realms of thought in action, and beneficial release.

From wikipedia: In astrology, Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. Jupiter governs long distance and foreign travel, big business and wealth, higher education, religion, and the law. Mentor and teacher of gods. Always helped by gods in war against demons. Guru means “teacher” or “priest.” Brihaspati means “lord of prayer or devotion.” Associated with luck and expansion.

Of course, our discussion here presumes the existence of the soul, and further that we are only visitors to the earth; this is not our home. There may be astrologers who are also dialectic materialists; I simply haven’t met any.

According to this Astrotheme chart transiting Jupiter had entered Navalny’s House of death — the eighth house. This house is also the house of rebirth. Navalny is being reborn in the nation’s eyes and indeed the world’s view as a hero for peace, prosperity, and good government. Hero — a Greek word — solely means sacrificing oneself for the good of the community. Pop stars and athletes may be champions but few of them are heroes. Being merely famous has nothing to do with the heroic.

In an essay February 17, New York Times titled —

“With Prison Certain and Death Likely, Why Did Navalny Return?

- By Neil MacFarquhar


“An activist who thrived on agitation, he feared irrelevancy in exile. Winning new respect as he continued to lambast the Kremlin from behind bars cost him his life.

Why, after surviving a fatal poisoning attempt widely blamed on the Kremlin, had he returned to Russia from his extended convalescence abroad to face certain imprisonment and possible death? Even his prison guards, turning off their recording devices, asked him why he had come back, he said.”

Mr. Navalny wrote,“I don’t want to give up either my country or my beliefs,” in a Jan. 17 Facebook post to mark the third anniversary of his return and arrest in 2021. “I cannot betray either the first or the second. If your beliefs are worth something, you must be willing to stand up for them. And if necessary, make some sacrifices.”

People are at times released from torment of the body during a conjunction, or square or even a trine from Jupiter. Saturn may symbolize prolonged suffering and the body as a prison.

From astrologer Christina Rodenbeck:

The psycho-analyst Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) came to mind. He had some interesting ideas about the end of life. In particular, he was of the opinion that we were quite likely to carry on in some way. In other words, the death of the body was simply another step on the journey of our souls.

So, transits when he died?

Jupiter and Saturn were transiting opposite his 3° Leo Sun. Jupiter at 6° Aquarius and Saturn at 29° Capricorn meant that the Sun was exactly opposite the midpoint.

So what about when Freud died? He’d just had a Jupiter return, Jupiter was exactly opposite his Mars and semi-sextile his Pluto (another death planet). Was Saturn doing anything in his chart too? Yes, semisquare natal Jupiter.

Russian elections for president are to take place March 15–17, 2024. Beyond doubt it is obviously imperative for Vladimir Putin running again for president to have Navalny out-of-the-way permanently. Russian dictators have a long history of violently eliminating opponents. While this did not begin with Ivan the Terrible, he certainly made it a central violent power of statecraft.

Yes, someone is bound to ask about the future. As an astrologer, here is what I know: Vladimir Putin is in his 24th year as president. This is a Jupiter year and all seems to go well. In two to three years, in other words, his 27th-28th year, Saturn takes over and things will go in a decidedly different direction. Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt for 28 years. Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 28 years. Adolf Hitler watched his thousand year Reich turn to ashes and dust as he turned 58, which is a second Saturn Return.



Michael Zizis
Michael Zizis

Written by Michael Zizis

https://michaelzizis.com/ Over 40 years as a professional astrologer, I am ready willing and able to craft trends in your journey.

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