Anything Is Not Possible

Comments and reflections on the first Jupiter aspect Saturn {square} since December 2, 2020.

Michael Zizis
5 min readAug 12, 2024

Essay by Mike Zizis

Any two planets in our solar system have cycles in which they interact by conjunction, sextile, square, opposition — etc. These are called synodic cycles. This particular 19 1/2 year cycle of Jupiter and Saturn have personal as well as worldwide implications and meanings. Jupiter {12 years for one orbit around the sun} catches up to and passes the slower planet Saturn {28 years for one orbit around the sun} approximately every 20 years.

Symbolically this is about the New King over throwing the Old King; Jupiter or Zeus overthrowing Kronos aka Saturn. When the conjunction occurs, the world economy often goes through a boom and bust cycle, or if you will, Bull and Bear cycle. The economy suddenly inflates, everything goes along great, and then suddenly a month or a week later, everything melts down in the global economic scale. And the economy begins a rebirth in a new 19 1/2 year cycle.

This last one — see the data chart below — indicated a new beginning in the sign of Aquarius. This happened exactly where Pluto is station right now at 00° Aquarius. This was the birth and perhaps the rebirth — of the artificial intelligence chatGPT buzz heard round the world, with the accompanying hysteria.

These two planets taken together, have a name — The Great Conjunction. The previous one was in June 2000. Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct at 23 degrees Gemini. Here are some highlights of the year 2000;

Data from Wikipedia;

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes at 11,722.98 (at the peak of the Dot-com bubble).

March 10 — The NASDAQ Composite Index reaches an all-time high of 5,048.[17] Two weeks later, the NASDAQ-100, S&P 500, and Wilshire 5000 reach their peaks prior to the Dot-com bubble, ending a bull market run that had lasted over 17 years.

At the halfway point — during the Jupiter / Saturn opposition of 2008, the real estate market had its worst meltdown in history. The nature of oppositions is called maximum illumination. These are similar to the full moon opposition to the Sun. Lies, corruption, and deception reach their full extent when Jupiter opposes Saturn, and Pop goes the Weasel.

Returning to 2024, and the Jupiter Saturn waxing Square (Squares are of the nature of Mars.) Mars is about war and violence, advance, retreat, fight, or flee. No one needs to wonder whether or not Donald Trump will be a sore loser from November this year to January of next year. (“All hell will break loose.”) Squares are of the nature of Mars. Wars increasing between Israel — Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and perhaps every player in that part of the world. Our world economy is in a staggering healing cycle towards the coming trine between Jupiter and Saturn in the fire signs of Jupiter in Leo, and Saturn in Aries; 2026.

Pain is temporary. The current chaos that we are in vis-à-vis Russia and Ukraine — Israel and the Palestinians — and the current cosmetic Estee-Lauder- glow of Artificial Intelligence — will diminish and are temporary. As that sage philosopher — Tears for Fears — said: “Nothing ever lasts forever.”

Because the cycle began with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius at that 00 °, where the planet Pluto is now, we can expect astonishing breakthroughs in all levels of the human experiment from politics to medicine, and the new frontier colonizing the moon and Mars. In fact colonizing other planets and moons coincides wonderfully with Neptune entering Aries. Neptune will be entering Aries next year, and shortly after that Uranus enters Gemini, pointing to the threat of war; we are too powerful as a species to allow nuclear escalation. More on this later.

Anything is not possible.

Many events in the future are probable.

Astrology lifts the veil.



Michael Zizis
Michael Zizis

Written by Michael Zizis Over 40 years as a professional astrologer, I am ready willing and able to craft trends in your journey.

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